An Annual Live Streamed Event, on Monday of the June Long-Weekend held at the Sydney Opera House.
Photograph by Anton Rivette 2022
Like many others calling for truth telling, I feel it is time the Australian nation took the time to listen deeply to the stories of the Frontier Wars and to offer respect to the many lives that were lost through this long period of our history. I feel that we can't move forward without speaking to these events and I feel it's important to start this conversation at the place where it began, Port Jackson.
We hosted the Inaugural Original Sovereign Nations Frontier Wars Memorial Service on June 13 2022, which was a public holiday for the Queen's Birthday. This date is an opportunity to reflect on Australia's colonial history and the impact of colonisation.
We invited a number of guest speakers to share stories of the massacres of Original Sovereign Peoples. With an introduction and concluding address that offers a message that all Australians can focus on as they arrive and depart this moment.
Our Guest Speakers included: Yvonne Weldon City of Sydney Councillor & Deputy Chairperson Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council, Nathan Moran CEO Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council, Monica Barone CEO City of Sydney, Professor John Maynard, Jimmy Kyle, The Hon. Ben Franklin Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Dr Stephen Gapps, Mr David Harris Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs & Treaty, Colin Watego and Michael Kirk was the Master of Ceremonies.
The Footage of this event will be available soon.
Photograph by Anton Rivette 2022